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Music and words help make everything almost feel like it makes sense, or at least validate that nothing makes sense - practically ever. When you subscribe, you not only get access to a lot of my gay feelings, but also really, really thoughtfully curated playlists that are crafted with so much intentionality and focus the process sometimes makes me nauseous. I intentionally feature lesser-known, QTPOC, and otherwise marginalized artists that haven’t yet climbed the algorithms and/or are systemically shut out from platforms, and vow to make this a resource for building safe and supportive community around mind-shattering music discovery. If that doesn’t sell you, keep in mind that I am a quadruple Virgo; this level of organization, criticism, and analysis is important to the world, but best appreciated at a safe and digital distance.

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Subscribe to How's That Feel || How's That Sound

Essays and playlists for small moments that feel big.


Music Curator and Writer based in Brooklyn.